René Dario Herrera

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Blog Posts

  • Orban Madaras

    By René Dario Herrera
    From a distance, the dwarf Orban Madaras may be mistaken as a human. Orban plays the intimidating part well. He wears a brigandine made decades ago with durable steel plates forged by the armorers of Mahakam, whose tradition dates back thousands of years. In this time, Orban has had to... [Read More]
  • An Incident from my Childhood

    By René Dario Herrera
    I grew up in southwestern New Mexico. Rural. High desert, full of shrubs, the landscape dotted with an occasional tree and bush. The population was, maybe, 1,500 in the village where I lived with my parents. My father spent his childhood as a farm laborer, working across southern New Mexico’s... [Read More]