René Dario Herrera

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Blog Posts

  • Waiting for a Blind Date. An Alternate Version

    By René Dario Herrera
    Yesterday, a mysterious notification appeared on Clara’s phone. The notification indicated that Clara had been selected for a special beta trial of a new dating app. Clara didn’t remember installing it, but the app piqued Clara’s interest. After browsing through the app’s selection of delightfully attractive biographies, she chose one... [Read More]
  • Waiting for a Blind Date

    By René Dario Herrera
    This isn’t like me. Waiting for a blind date? It isn’t like me to wait for, how long has it been now, over an hour - it hasn’t felt like an hour. And I’ve never even heard of this coffee shop before. But there is something about this space. I... [Read More]
  • Ondurin Visits Carefree Carp

    By René Dario Herrera
    Ondurin, a dwarf traveler from Mahakam, would soon be arriving at Carefree Carp. Ondurin wasn’t looking forward to visiting such a small village, but Carefree Carp was located near the delta of the Carp River, and it hosted a summer craft festival. Wealthy visitors and merchants from nearby cities would... [Read More]
  • Ordurin and Orban

    By René Dario Herrera
    Ordurin awoke. Darkness all around. Not the familiar darkness of an underground Dwarven fortress. Not familiar like his ancestral home of Mahakam. It was dark and damp. He was on a small boat. “About time you’re awake.” announced the resonate voice. “I didn’t think such a small dose of chloroform... [Read More]
  • Ordurin Unlas

    By René Dario Herrera
    The dwarf Ordurin Unlas stood short, even for a dwarf, but burly as a boar. At 200 years of age, Ordurin was still relatively young. All those years still gave Ordurin a measured perspective and thoughtfulness. He spoke carefully. Each word was chosen for maximum impact. Indeed, Ordurins love for... [Read More]