René Dario Herrera

You're on the web page for me, René Dario Herrera. Here you can find my blog, CV, professional portfolio, and links to my other projects. Have a look around. Cheers!

Blog Posts

  • Purge Excess Bulk from Your Gmail

    By René Dario Herrera
    If you need to clear out messages from your Gmail try using this search to identify which emails are clear to go. This will identify any email with “unsubscribe” in the email, has no labels, and is not in your inbox. [Read More]
  • Escape to the Oasis

    By René Dario Herrera
    The two of them had been on the road, for five hours. He had spent the last two hours asleep. The old man’s dark hair had only recently started to gray, and his forehead had a few light wrinkles set across his forehead. Tlayolotl, sat, sound asleep, in the front... [Read More]
  • Train Crossing

    By René Dario Herrera
    Several hours had passed since they had hidden away in the thirty-third car of the cargo freight train bound for El Paso, Texas. Carlo and his father, Nepo, had been among the twenty-one men who now sat in the car on their way to the United States. It was Carlo’s... [Read More]